Anastasia and Katie's Coffee Shop & Cafe
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get a job at the coffee shop? How can my son or daughter get a job at the coffee shop?
We have received far more applications than we have positions available at the coffee shop. When we have a need to fill an open position it will be posted here on our website. All of us at Mi Work Matters see an overwhelming need for paid work for people with developmental disabilities. We exist to address this 80% unemployment rate and are working everyday to find ways to create more opportunities. If you have ideas, skills and passion, please consider joining us or donating! Fill out a Mi Work Matters Volunteer Application or Board Member application.
Do you allow volunteers at the coffee shop?
We have a need for a limited number of volunteers at the coffee shop during our start up phase. Volunteers must be 18 years old, able to work independently, commit to a weekly schedule in advance and available for 3-6 months. All volunteers are also required to undergo a background check. Coffee Shop Volunteer applications are here on our website.
Where is the coffee shop?
We are at 19215 Merriman Rd., Livonia, MI 48152 in the Merriman Mall on the northwest corner of 7 Mile and Merriman, next door to our wonderful neighbors, Angels, Saints & Stuff.
What are the hours?
Monday thru Friday: 7am - 2pm • Saturday: 8am - 3pm • Sunday: closed . Please follow us on Facebook for up to date information.
What is the coffee shop’s affiliation with Mi Work matters?
Mi Work Matters is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Anastasia and Katie’s Coffee Shop & Cafe is an employment program of Mi Work Matters.
Is Mi Work Matters part of Michigan Works?
No, we have no affiliation with Michigan Works. We are an entirely separate entity. We are a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit made up of parents, families, caregivers and advocates of people with developmental disabilities. Mi Work Matters is a volunteer run organization, with the only paid positions being the employees of the coffee shop.
Does Mi Work Matters receive money from the State of Michigan or the Federal Government?
No. We rely on individual/corporate donations and grants.
How will Anastasia and Katie's Coffee Shop & Cafe be funded?
Donations and grants will fund the initial start up costs. Once the coffee shop is running, we will be funded by a combination of donations, grants and the proceeds from sales at the coffee shop with the goal of becoming self sufficient over several years.
Who can work at the coffee shop?
We will employ qualified individuals of all abilities. This includes but is not limited to typically abled people, those with Down syndrome, autism, cognitive impairment, etc.
Will employees with different abilities be paid?
Yes. All employees will be paid minimum wage and awarded raises following performance reviews the same as their typically abled co-workers.
who are anastasia and katie anyway?!
Anastasia and Katie are the daughters’ of Mi Work Matters cofounders. Both girls are 13 years old and rockin’ an extra chromosome.
Anastasia dreams of working with animals… or maybe becoming a singer on the radio.
Katie has big dreams of being a gymnast!